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Quality Learning Approaches in 15 Minutes or Less

 If someone told you to draft a course design in 15 minutes, what would you do? “Fight” or “flight” options might include crying, running for the hills or immediately coming down with some mysterious illness. Scary as it might sound, that was our task as set by Bob Elmore at the March 17th ATD SIG

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Failure Equals Learning

Failure Equals a Learning Experience Should failure in learning really “not be an option”? Absolutely not! In most cases, it is actually a very worthwhile for someone to not succeed the first time they try something. Doesn’t that mimic real life?  While there is a stigma attached to “being a failure”, failing is what accomplishes

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Can Vince Vaughn Improve Elearning Courses?

Vince Vaughn and images like these will help improve your elearning courses. Often times we see a lot of stock photography in our e-learning courses. They are effective and get the point across which is what they are supposed to do. However, sometimes our learners don’t really look at the images as they scroll through

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Meeting Your Learners On Their Terms?

What are your learners terms? How do they want to experience training? As you know, the world of learning is changing.Think about the last thing you had to learn something new while you were working on something…take a moment… did you dive in to a long book or a long course? Maybe, but I bet

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Super Instructional Design Tip (E-Learning Challenge)

This e-learning challenge was first posted on the E-Learning Heroes Blog on February 28, 2014. The challenge is to design a poster around your favorite education or instructional design tip.  Challenge Link: http://community.articulate.com/blogs/david/archive/2014/02/28/elearning-instructional-design-tips.aspx I chose an instructional design tip that has never been attributed to anyone in particular (at least to my knowledge), but rather

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Building Effective Learner Profiles

      How to Build Learner Profiles I was reading our local Edina school information and they had a great example of a Learner Profile Matrix. If you have taken my E-learning Design Boot Camp Training course, you know that an essential success factor in the Discover phase is to really have a solid

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Let’s Get Real: The Key Ingredients to AGILE Learning Design

At the Learning Solutions Conference last week, AGILE design and development was all the rage. I will admit, while I don’t use a pure ADDIE approach, I tend to gravitate towards this traditional approach to developing courses. However, I have been curious about the AGILE methodology, SAM and other standards that many are adopting. So

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5 ways to connect your courses with your learner

As we get started crafting and storyboarding a course, we are often focused on what needs to be included from a content perspective that the learner gets disconnected from the learning experience. Here are 5 quick ways to make sure the learner always stays in the center of our design efforts. Consider adding these elements around

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How to Structure Your Content

I am working with a client who has created courses in Articulate Studio. I am struck by the thought that I often am when I help clients improve their courses. The phrase, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should” hits me as page by page there are articulate interactions but no cohesive meaning and

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The Scalable Expert Assessment

Is Your Business Ready to Scale?

Scalable Expert Assessment

Coaches, consultants, and service providers: If you’re feeling maxed out with 1:1 work, it’s time to shift to a scalable model. But are you ready?

Take this quick, free 2 minute assessment and discover:

✔️ Where you are in your scalability journey
✔️ What’s holding you back from more income & freedom
✔️ The exact next step to build a business that grows without you

Take this free assessment to find out ->