Our Blog

For Learning Leaders…

hey everybody its Tara Bryan good morning in the spirit of doing another video today I just wanted to quickly reach out to you even before I head into the office this morning this is a shout out for all the learning leaders out there I am just really curious to know what made you

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#1 Misconception about Starting a Digital Learning Project

There is a common misconception out there for a lot of our clients and a lot of other people who are looking to do learning projects and that misconception is that there needs to be content already organized and put together before you get started and that’s just not necessarily the case. What we really

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learning strategy

Learning Strategy: 3 Methods to Gain Leadership Support

Do you feel like it is impossible to get leadership’s support or attention for learning? Do they talk about how much they support it but their actions don’t match. It is hard and near impossible to lead your learning strategy when you don’t have support from your leadership team. In this session, we’ll cover: Three

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feet or no feet

Feet or No Feet? A Visual Design Debate

Visual Design Debate Challenge We have a bit of a debate going on right now at the office. Feet or no feet in elearning? Consider these two images:   Which image do you like better? Which one draws you more into the interaction? In most cases, the learner is the active participant in the course. They

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FocusOn Learning Trade Show

  TLS Learning is participating in the Elearning Guild’s FocusOn Learning Trade Show in Austin, TX. FocusOn Learning Trade show…here we come! We are all packed, pumped and excited to be departing for the Elearning Guild’s FocusOn Learning Trade Show in Austin, Texas this week! A few Highlights we’re looking forward to:

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Free to be Busy

Are you constantly being taken away from your task at hand for “just a second” to assist with other projects? If your office space is anything like ours, open and collaborative, you may find it overwhelmingly easy to be interrupted. It’s Monday morning and a new project just hit your desk. All you need is

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How Do You Build Creative Spaces In Your Office?

  Every team needs creative spaces where ideas come to life and possibilities become limitless. A space where senses are stimulated and fueled by great energy. Looking for tips and tricks on how to design creative spaces that is perfect for your new ideas to grow? Then look no further, we have an answer!

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TLS Learning Events for February & March

Events Around Town — Where are we? The TLS Learning team supports and is actively participating in events all around town: Here is where you may find us: February 3 – Hosting the Twin Cities Captivate Group – join this group here or download the latest recording. February 12 – PACT meeting – we re-connected

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#JobLove – How do we love thee? Let us count the 10 ways

#JobLove Today is Valentine’s day- wouldn’t we all love a bit more joblove? Tweet #joblove to join the conversation! We all reflect on what we LOVE about what we get to do everyday. We are passionate about helping you and your employees go to the next level of performance. In honor of Valentine’s day we

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