business impact

Are you concerned about how the learning you create is making a business impact?  

Well, we are too.  In fact, in every initial project meeting, we make it our top priority to discuss how your learning directly aligns back to business impact and goals you are trying to achieve.

When we sit down to kick-off a new project, at the top of our agenda is “Your Vision & Business Goals”. While we discuss many other topics throughout our meeting, like learner profile, performance objectives and others, we start with the same 3 three questions:

  1. What’s your vision? What are your key business goals or initiatives?  How does this project align to those goals? Describe the impact you want this project to make on the business.
  2. What is the business opportunity? Or, in other words, what does today look like?  Describe the current state for the business and your learners. What are you trying to move away from?
  3. What does success look like? What will tomorrow be like if this is successful? Describe the future state that you want to attain. What outcomes or behaviors do you want to see or move towards?

Share how you are making a business impact with your learning. How do you ensure your learning projects are aligned to business goals?  What questions do you ask? We want to learn from you!