Our Blog

Is Your Training Causing More Customer Sales?

You want — and need — your staff to engage and learn so they can be successful in their work. Then you need innovative online learning solutions. Not online manuals, not a reference guide they must regurgitate or be tested on at the end of the chapter. You want them to learn on a platform

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customer service results

Does Digital Learning Improve Customer Service Results?

“Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.” – Kevin Stirtz Many businesses depend upon excellent customer service for sales, retention, reviews and more. When complaints roll in, or even show a slight uptick, it’s time to review

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Ask Tara

Do you have a question to ask Tara? Send in your questions to get featured in a future Ask Tara session. Ask Tara #1/2: How Many People Are on Each Project Team? https://vimeo.com/179976486 Ask Tara #3: Embed Links or Add Links In Your Courses https://youtu.be/dNMwj5UqAtc Ask Tara #4: Articulate 360 or Articulate 3? https://youtu.be/b8Qse8vdEuE

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For Learning Leaders…

hey everybody its Tara Bryan good morning in the spirit of doing another video today I just wanted to quickly reach out to you even before I head into the office this morning this is a shout out for all the learning leaders out there I am just really curious to know what made you

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#1 Misconception about Starting a Digital Learning Project

There is a common misconception out there for a lot of our clients and a lot of other people who are looking to do learning projects and that misconception is that there needs to be content already organized and put together before you get started and that’s just not necessarily the case. What we really

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learning strategy

Learning Strategy: 3 Methods to Gain Leadership Support

Do you feel like it is impossible to get leadership’s support or attention for learning? Do they talk about how much they support it but their actions don’t match. It is hard and near impossible to lead your learning strategy when you don’t have support from your leadership team. In this session, we’ll cover: Three

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What Kind Of Learner Experience are You Creating?

One of my favorite things to do is to look at how other disciplines are applying successful techniques to attract and retain their customers. Speaking of customers – did you know that you have customers? Anyway, Marketing is a great place to learn techniques that can help us in learning and performance improvement. We talk

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Determine ROI in Elearning- Is It Possible? (Part 1)

There are many times when I am speaking to other learning professionals that the question of ROI comes up. Is it possible to isolate training as the factor that tipped a metric to be more favorable? Can we really look at metrics for training with any sort of reliability? I believe that we can and

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