The Pillars of Our Approach

At TLS Learning, we strive to approach each project with these strong pillars. You will see these shine through in every project we work on with you. You can count on us to guide you through to success every step of the way.

Strategy Before Tactics

We believe that it is essential to look at the outcomes necessary to achieve a goal first, before we execute on a project. We will work with your team to Discover the current state and desired state and each milestone along the way in order to get to that desired state. There are times when we will provide consulting and make recommendations to improve the instructional integrity based on the learner experience to take your content to the next level.

Solid Proven Process

Our goal for your project is to take your idea from concept to launch. At Our ApproachTLS Learning, we have developed a 5D process model™. This is our proven approach we use with every project. Each phase has specific deliverables to ensure we stay on schedule throughout the project. We use a comprehensive project management tool to calculate priority based scheduling. This means you get an accurate look at where we are headed before we get there. This allows us to focus on building the right solutions for you. While our approach is iterative, at the end of each phase there is a deliverable with an approval cycle. 

Collaborative, Team Approach

We take a team approach in combining our knowledge and expertise to deliver you our best. You will work with a core team of three people: Project Manager, Instructional Designer, Developer. Our Project Managers ensure we are on time and on budget. Our Instructional Designers work to capture and write your vision to make it instructionally sound, so your content comes to life. Our Elearning Developers specialize in transforming the written content into an engaging and effective course. We also have dedicated professionals who support our core team, such as, audio talent, QA testers, Developers, and Graphic Designers.

Connect the Learner to Ensure Action

We use stories, scenarios and simulations to bring your content to life. We believe that people learn best through active practice and engagement through real life situations and challenges. This provides the learner the ability to simulate how to react and act in a safe environment without the risk of real life interactions until they are ready.

Results Focused

At the end of the day, each learning experience we create is designed to produce a change in performance and/or behavior. Our essential question is:  What does a learner need to be able to do as a result of the learning experience? We measure and evaluate each project for specific metrics to ensure we are truly moving the needle and effecting business results.