Create Time to Build a Scalable Offer: The 4 Top Steps that Service Providers Use

If you're waiting for the perfect time to build your scalable offer, you'll be waiting forever. Here's how successful business owners create time to build a scalable offer without dropping their revenue...
Create Time to Build a Scalable Offer

The Scaling Dilemma

If you’re like most service providers, you’re caught in a familiar trap: You need to create time to build a scalable offer, but your calendar is packed with client work that pays the bills. It’s the classic chicken-and-egg problem of scaling a service business.

The good news? You don’t need to choose between serving clients and scaling your business. What you need is a strategic approach to creating time to build a scalable offer while maintaining (or even increasing) your current revenue.

What is the Containment Strategy?

The Containment Strategy is a three-part framework used by successful service providers to systematically create time to build a scalable offer. Unlike traditional time management approaches, this strategy focuses on restructuring your business operations rather than just managing your calendar better.

Think of it like building a dam to control water flow – you’re not reducing the amount of work, you’re controlling how and when it flows through your business.

Step 1: The CEO HOUR Method

The Science Behind CEO Hours

Research shows that focused, time-blocked periods are way more productive than regular work sessions. The CEO HOUR Method leverages this principle specifically to create time to build a scalable offer while still being able to manage the day-to-day of your business.

How to Implement CEO Hours:

  1. Schedule three 60-minute blocks weekly
  2. Choose your peak energy times (to find out how when your energy is the highest – check out this article on finding your chronotype:
  3. Create a “CEO Hour Protocol”
  4. Use the “Rule of Three” for progress

CEO HOUR Protocol Example:

  • Minutes 0-5: Review last session’s progress
  • Minutes 5-50: Deep work on program development
  • Minutes 50-60: Document progress and set next session’s goal

The Rule of Three:

  • One major outcome per CEO hour
  • Three dedicated CEO hours per week
  • Three weeks to complete one scalable experience module

Step 2: The Client Container Framework

What is a Client Container?

Client containers are structured service packages that create predictable workflows and clear boundaries. They’re designed to deliver excellent results while preserving your energy and create time to build a scalable offer. 

I love thinking about how to build client containers so I can deliver my best service AND feel like I still can set boundaries in my business. 

After years of not controlling my time, this has been a game changer. 

Building Your Container:

  1. Set Boundaries for Service times:
    • Clear start and end dates
    • Defined communication channels
    • Specific delivery methods
  2. Define and Drive Towards Value Optimization:
    • Identify core transformations
    • Remove unnecessary customization
    • Streamline delivery processes
  3. Commit to Managing Your Time:
    • Batch similar activities
    • Create templates and systems
    • Implement automation tools

Container Types:

  1. The Sprint Container (this is my favorite)
    • 2-4 week intensive
    • Clear deliverables
    • Higher pricing for condensed timeline
  2. The Phased Container
    • 3-month structured program
    • Milestone-based delivery
    • Regular check-ins
  3. The Retainer Container
    • Ongoing support
    • Defined scope
    • Monthly deliverables

Step 3: The Minimum Viable Day Strategy

The Concept

Your Minimum Viable Day (MVD) is the stripped-down version of your workday that focuses solely on activities that require your unique expertise (then package that expertise into one scalable offer).

Creating Your MVD:

  1. Activity Audit
    • List all daily tasks
    • Rate each task’s importance (1-5)
    • Identify what only you can do
  2. Delegation Matrix
    • Must do personally
    • Could be templated
    • Should be delegated
    • Can be eliminated
  3. Time Blocking (actually on the calendar)
    • Client work blocks
    • Program development blocks
    • Buffer time
    • Admin time

Case Study: From Overwhelmed to Optimized

Meet Sarah, a brand strategist who implemented the Containment Strategy to create more time to build a scalable offer. She ultimately was able to build her first scalable group experience while maintaining her 1:1 client load.


  • 60-hour work weeks
  • Constantly available to clients
  • No time for program development
  • Irregular income

The Implementation:

  1. CEO Hours
    • Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7am
    • Focus on scalable offer curriculum
    • No client access during these times
  2. Client Containers
    • Moved to 90-day packages
    • Created clear communication boundaries
    • Implemented project management system
  3. MVD Strategy
    • Delegated admin tasks
    • Created templates
    • Batched client calls


  • Developed full program in 12 weeks
  • Maintained full client load
  • Reduced work week to 35 hours
  • Launched first group experience to 30 people

Implementation Guide

Week 1: Foundation

  • Schedule your CEO hours
  • Audit your current client delivery
  • List your MVD activities

Week 2: Systems

  • Set up project management tools
  • Create communication templates
  • Design your client container structure

Week 3: Optimization

  • Begin batching client work
  • Implement new boundaries
  • Start program development

Week 4: Scale

  • Review and adjust systems
  • Measure time savings
  • Plan program launch

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. The Perfectionism Trap
    • Solution: Use the “90% good enough” rule
    • Action: Set firm deadlines for decisions
  2. The Availability Loop
    • Solution: Create communication boundaries
    • Action: Use auto-responders and office hours
  3. The Customization Crutch
    • Solution: Identify repeatable processes
    • Action: Create standard operating procedures
  4. The Revenue Fear
    • Solution: Maintain key client relationships
    • Action: Communicate changes positively

Next Steps

Ready to implement the Containment Strategy in your business to create time to build a scalable offer? 

Here’s your action plan:

  1. Choose your CEO hours for next week
  2. Begin your activity audit
  3. Schedule a strategy call to get personalized guidance

Remember: The goal isn’t to work less – it’s to work differently. Your expertise deserves to reach more people, and the Containment Strategy is the starting point  to making that happen so that you can create time to build a scalable offer. 

Want expert guidance on implementing these strategies? Book a Free Discovery Call to see how we can help you create space for scaling while maintaining your client excellence.

Tara L Bryan

Our mission is to inspire, educate and give business owners the strategies and skills to build an infinitely scalable online business that will allow them to make a bigger impact and income without sacrificing the customer’s experience or adding more time to their already full lives. 


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