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Pivot Your Business From Offline to Online

7 Steps to Pivot Your Business from Offline to Online

Pivoting your business from offline to online – can be a game-changer. With careful planning, the right tools, and a focus on customer experience, you can unlock new opportunities and ensure your business thrives in the digital world. Embrace the change, stay flexible, and watch your business grow!

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Ask Tara

Do you have a question to ask Tara? Send in your questions to get featured in a future Ask Tara session. Ask Tara #1/2: How Many People Are on Each Project Team? https://vimeo.com/179976486 Ask Tara #3: Embed Links or Add Links In Your Courses https://youtu.be/dNMwj5UqAtc Ask Tara #4: Articulate 360 or Articulate 3? https://youtu.be/b8Qse8vdEuE

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Determine ROI in Elearning- Is It Possible? (Part 1)

There are many times when I am speaking to other learning professionals that the question of ROI comes up. Is it possible to isolate training as the factor that tipped a metric to be more favorable? Can we really look at metrics for training with any sort of reliability? I believe that we can and

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Raw Content

Information Is NOT the Same As Learning

One of the biggest challenges that exists as an Instructional Designer is the concept that information does not equal the learning materials. So often we get a powerpoint deck with bullets, a written list, or a manual and we are told that everything is there, just go ahead and put it into a tool. Maybe

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Training Strategy

Do You Have a Training Strategy For New Hires? (Part 1 of 2)

Congratulations- you are growing and therefore are in a position to hire a large group of new hires to fulfill work positions within your organization. This is a great achievement and marks positive growth within your business. However, you and your management team may feel stress and anxiety as you prepare for this large influx

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How much content is enough

How Much Content Is Enough in A Course?

One of my favorite conversations to have with subject matter experts and technical experts is defining how much content needs to be given to people as they learn new material. This age old debate is a fun one to explore. Typically, content experts (subject matter experts, technical experts, compliance folks, etc.) look at courses from

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Content conversion

Content Conversion 101: A Powerpoint Deck is Not an Online Course

One of my goals in life is to help learning practitioners and subject matter experts really understand that a powerpoint deck converted to elearning is not a great learning experience. Powerpoint decks and other source materials are great raw materials to create an awesome course, but your powerpoint deck with bullet points and lots of

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