In this episode, Tara will break down the ‘Hybrid’ learning program to leverage automation and the live experience to move from 1:1 services to 1:many allowing you to show up AND leverage your time.


Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

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a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

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on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

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them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

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you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

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your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

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Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time for team to your business. If you're

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looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

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use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everyone, welcome to today's episode of the course building

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secrets podcast. In this episode, I want to talk about

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hybrid learning programs. And so this is something that we have

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been creating for a very long time and helping our clients

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create, but we haven't necessarily gone out to market

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to say that this is a thing. And so I want to talk a little bit

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about it today. So we specialize in creating online learning

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experiences, which means that what we're doing is we're

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combining the power of automation and online learning

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with sort of a hybrid approach, where you're showing up live

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very strategically to help people move forward. So if you

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have your signature framework, or your signature approach to

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how you're helping your customers, one of the best

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things that you can do is start looking at how you can leverage

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technology to help streamline both the experience and the

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process for your students and for yourself. And so that's kind

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of the first way of looking at how to create a hybrid

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experience, most of the time people are coming in and they've

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been doing a service, they've been helping their customers,

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they've been doing one on one work. And everything is sort of

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ad hoc or Done, done independently per client. So the

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very first shift you are making is going from that one to one to

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one to many, in order to go to one to many, you need to start

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looking at systems and process and how you can use technology

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in order to deliver a consistent approach, program, whatever you

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want to call it. And as you start doing that, you can start

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seeing patterns of what things you can front load, meaning what

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are some things that you can create videos on, what are some

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things that you can help your customers with, that they can do

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independently and bring to the table. So you're ready, and, and

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more apt to be able to help them faster, because they've done

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sort of the pre work or the homework. So the very first way

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that you start to build a hybrid experiences, you're already

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working with them one on one. And so you start to package a

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little bit of that one on one, and make it into something that

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they can consume on demand when you're, you know, offline or you

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know, as it fits with their schedule. So they can bring the

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things that need to be done faster and easier. And without

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you having to repeat yourself 100 times when you're working

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with your clients. Then from there, you start looking at how

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do you create a leveraged product, right? An online

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program that allows you to serve people where they're doing

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things more independently. And then you're showing up live to

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help them maybe in a couple different ways, right? live

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virtual, you're showing up for coaching calls you're showing up

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to be there to help them remove obstacles and hurdles, you may

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do some one on one calls, you may do group coaching calls, you

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may have implementation days, or different things like that, that

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sort of there live virtual, then you can take it to the next

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level and incorporate live in person along with the online

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sort of digital experience and bringing those two together. So

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when we look at creating hybrid experiences, it's really about

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strategically using the virtual you, right, so how do you use

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virtual tools to automate and leverage your time, so you can

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help people get that transformation and move forward

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without physically being with them, and reteaching it every

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single time or, you know, making something up each and every time

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right? So that's why we create our signature framework and our

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signature framework guides everything that we're doing. So

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if it's, you know, some usually it's between seven and nine

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steps. And and that's literally the the flow, we take people

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through each and every time. When you get to have in your

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signature framework, it becomes really easy to plug in digital

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experiences, because it's now able to be packaged, you're you

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have a consistent way of doing something. So you can package

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all of that right, create an online program, create a sort of

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a step by step experience, where people are consuming what you

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have, and then you're meeting live. And that's how you

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progress through the program. And, and you work through sort

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of this hybrid approach where you're coming and going. But it

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significantly reduces the amount of time that you have to show up

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when you have something that's package that people can consume

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and use outside of working with you. This does two things. One,

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it obviously streamlines the approach makes it more

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consistent uses technology to replace some of your time,

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right. But when you have a live component, a virtual live or, or

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an actual in person live, what it does is it allows you to be

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laser focused in how you're helping people. And it gives you

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that touch point that you need as a business owner, right? We

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all want to sort of connect with our customers, when you build

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something that's 100% online, meaning it's not live at all,

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you don't have that connection. And so a lot of times people

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miss that, because they're, they don't have that connection

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point. And you need to know that if if you are you know, in this

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game, do you want something totally automated where you're

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completely hands off with your customers? Or do you like to

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connect with your customers, most of the people that I work

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with like to have some sort of connection, they just don't want

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to have the, you know, hours for dollars, client work all of the

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time. And so by creating this hybrid experience, you're you

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have the best of both worlds, and then it helps your your

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customers, because they're able to, you know, first of all know

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exactly the approach that you're going through, think about if

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you were working with someone, and they're like, here are the

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nine steps, here's how we're gonna go through it, that's the

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end of this, you're gonna get a transformation, and I can

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guarantee you're gonna get that transformation. If you go

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through these nine steps, that level of confidence. And

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competency speaks volumes for that customer's confidence. And

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then if they're able to consume things as their as they have

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time, as they're going through, and sort of doing the work that

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they need to do. And then they have your support and

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encouragement along the path. That is a great experience,

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because they're getting the, the training when they need it at

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the time they need it. And they're able to, to you know,

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stop it, rewind it, watch it again, and go through all the

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parts and pieces without having to have you repeat yourself over

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and over. So creating a hybrid online experience is such a

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powerful way to move forward. It's also honestly, the way that

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these programs are selling right now. I was just speaking to a

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colleague of mine, and she said my online program isn't working.

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I nobody wants courses anymore. Courses are dead courses are

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done. Nobody wants any of that. And and that's not true. It's

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really how you're creating your program. I would say online

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courses for the sake of giving people information is dead,

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right? Blow ticket, just get people in the door and churn and

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Burnham courses are not working, obviously, which they shouldn't

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be. So that's great. But that means that the consumer is

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becoming more is becoming more sophisticated on how to purchase

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and how to, you know what results to expect in an online

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program. And so that's awesome. Like it makes me so happy to

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know that when people are like, Oh, online courses aren't aren't

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working anymore. They're not selling anymore. I love it

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because what that means is people have to go through their

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online course they've created and make sure that it is

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providing the transformation, that clear path that somebody

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can take in order to get results. And then if you can get

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to that point, then you know that your program is gonna sell

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in suddently just as a sidebar, if you have a course right now

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that's not selling, if you're struggling to get it in front of

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people, if you're struggling to even figure out like, how do I

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make it into a sellable online experience, give me a shout, we

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have a program called the course edit, where we literally go

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through your entire program top to bottom, and give you give you

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feedback, give you kind of an honest look at what needs to

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happen to get your core selling, to get it scaling. And, and

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really make it into what what you want it to be, which is a

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program that helps your people get that transformation. So if

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you're interested in that, give me a shout. My information is in

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the show notes. But But really, this hybrid online experience is

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really the approach that's going to drive success in your

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business, drive success for your customers, and drive success for

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you, as you continue to try and, and grow and scale, your reach

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and your ability to help people get get to the next level. So

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I'm so excited to be able to talk a lot more about this, I

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think people are starting to do understand that when you combine

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in an automated experience with gamification and social learning

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and the ability for people to connect in an online tool, what

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that allows you to do is to start building, building and

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scaling. An experience that goes beyond an in person event that

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goes beyond just an automated information dump. Right, it gets

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to be this sort of living and breathing product that you're

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able to leverage and move forward. So you can use it as

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the foundation to build your your business. And, and so this

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hybrid program is, is hands down the approach that's gonna start

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that you're gonna start seeing more and more in the market

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because people are craving experiences, they're craving

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community, and they are craving a way to control and, and build

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something with their own expertise. So with all three of

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those is the perfect storm for you right now to dry to drop

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into that space and help people who are your perfect people,

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right solving their problems solving their pain points,

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giving them a transformation, and then moving them forward. So

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they can also be successful. So hopefully this episode serves

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you. One of the things that we're going to be talking about

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as we move forward into the series is what makes up a hybrid

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online program. And how is it different than a course? How is

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it different than a live event? How is it different than

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building a one on one service based business? So we're gonna

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dive into that we're gonna dive into the essential pieces that

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go into that, and, and all of the things around it. So

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hopefully, you'll enjoy this series where we really start

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diving into how do you combine sort of the automated digital

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and the live experience together to really form a rich,

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satisfying experience for both you and your customers. Alright,