In this episode, Tara shares how to create your own Million Dollar Roadmap™ as you grow and scale your online business. She will also show you how to create a standardized curriculum AND provide a personalized experience at the same time.


Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode of

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the course building secrets podcast, I am thrilled that

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you're here. Hey, in this episode, I want to talk about

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one of the questions I get most often from our clients. So one

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of our core philosophies around how we help service providers,

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consultants and coaches package their one on one services so

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that they can make a big difference. And obviously start

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to have a little bit more time freedom is that we standardize

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the training curriculum, what that means is, is that you

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actually identify the steps that you are taking, or that you have

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your customers take from point A to point B, right. So they have

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a problem, they're, they're not able to do something, they need

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some help. That's point A, point B is the solution that they want

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that they're looking for. And you have a unique way in which

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you actually can help people get from point A to point B, we call

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that your million dollar framework, which is really just

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your signature methodology or your intellectual property,

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right? It's the unique way that you take someone step by step

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from point A to point B. So here's the problem that most

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people make is that they are trying to figure out out of the

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sort of mixed bag of tricks of the things that they do for

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their one on one clients, like, what is the flow? How do you

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help all of these, you know, kind of random people that you

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can take on? How do you consistently help them from, you

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know where they are today to where they want to be? And so

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there's a lot of different factors that go into that. But

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the one that I want to talk about today is this concept that

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we're going to standardize that process, right. So you're going

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to take the distance between A and B and create the bridge. And

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the bridge, again, is your unique way in which you help

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somebody get there, right. So think of it as a roadmap. Think

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of it as step by step, however, however it makes sense to you.

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That is the piece that you are going to want to lock and load,

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meaning you're not going to redo it every single time you get a

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new client or customer, you're not going to change it, right.

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So once you've done a beta, where you've sort of tested it

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in the wild and make sure that it's working, and you can

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actually get people from point A to point B, then it becomes your

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signature methodology, then it becomes something that you can

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package and people can can consume. That's how, when you go

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from one to one to one to many, it doesn't matter how many

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customers you add at the same time, your workload does not

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increase because you've identified that, that consistent

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path that helps somebody go from point A to point B. Okay, so

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that's the first thing. The second thing is is that like,

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Well, we talked about, like you have to personalize the

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experience. So someone feels like they're being supported all

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the way through. And most of the time, people say, Well, wait a

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minute, you're telling me to standardize my approach. But

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you're also telling me to personalize the experience for

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the customer? And if there's, there's a standard way that I'm

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helping them, then how do I personalize it, right? How does

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it become something that feels unique and in personalized for

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that particular customer that you have, without doing one on

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ones without changing the approach and without like

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picking up that random set of tricks that you have based on

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your skill ability, right? And the answer to that is the

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curriculum stays the same. So the way that somebody is

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learning how to get from point A to point B stays the same. The

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personalization comes in, as they are going through the

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journey. So you go from teacher to guide in that particular

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situation, right? So you're guiding somebody down the path

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that you've already created, and helping them actually take

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action and and start to get results right, you are helping

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them scooch to the milestones that you have created. So that

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they can get this the result that that you have promised

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them. So the personalization comes into being aware of where

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they're going to run into pitfalls, where they're going to

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run into hurdles and obstacles, and that they need you to come

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in and help them continue moving forward. Now the beauty of this

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is in your proprietary process, because you know it so well, you

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probably can can identify based on your experience or your

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customers experience as you've tested this, that most of the

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places where people aren't gonna start struggling. And so you can

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build in part of, you know, scaffolding or help for them,

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when you know that that's gonna happen. So nine out of 10 times

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you can kind of identify when somebody's gonna struggle that

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feels personalized to them. Because when they get to that,

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that hurdle, they're gonna go, okay, yep, she knows what to do.

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Now she's going to help me get moving forward. And so that's

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still built into the curriculum, and eliminates a lot of the

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stopping and starting and dropping out, and no engagement

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and all of that, because you're actually helping them where they

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are, right? So when you're putting together your standard,

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proprietary methodology, or your training curriculum, you are

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actually doing it in the order that they're going to learn it

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right. So it's not just a bunch of information in a training

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site that they can just go pick and choose whichever one they

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feel like they want to watch on that particular day. It is a

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stair stepped experience, in terms of like, you know, learn

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this, go do it, learn this, go do it, learn this, go do it,

Tara Bryan:

right. So they're actually on a journey to go from point A to

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point B, right? It's not like, here's point A, and here's point

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B. And then I'm gonna throw a bunch of stuff in the middle,

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and you go figure out what you want to do, right? Like, that's

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the old model. That's how teachers used to work as they

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were just like, teach a bunch of information. And you would go

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figure out how to apply it to whatever you needed to apply it

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to in the future. We don't learn that way anymore. And we

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certainly don't create programs that way. Ever, but but for sure

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anymore. So that's how you're gonna personalize experience is

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that they're going to feel completely supported all the way

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through, even if you're not doing one on ones, even if

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you're not showing up live at all, because you're going to

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create that level of experience of where are they in the

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journey? And what are they struggling with? And how do you

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help them get over those hurdles? Now, the best, the best

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experience that you can provide, is to give them an opportunity

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to get feedback on what they're doing. And be able to ask, ask

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real questions as they're going forward, right. So you can be

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there for support, you can do this virtually, you can do this

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as a phone call. You can do this during office hours, if you feel

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really passionate about doing one on ones, you can do a one on

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one, but the one on one is actually around the question

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that they have, that they're struggling with at that time.

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Nine out of 10 times you need some sort of mindset or mind

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trash kind of thing, that stopping them from moving

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forward, it has nothing to do with the actual skills that they

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need to learn, right. So that may be an opportunity for you to

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insert yourself in a one on one. If that is the work that you'd

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like to do. You don't have to, but that may be a place where

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you want to insert yourself, but it's not a place. Like if you're

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doing a one on one call is not to teach. If you're doing a one

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on one call, it's not to help them necessarily, like do the

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thing. It's to provide feedback, it's to help them continue

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moving forward. Same thing with a coaching call a coaching call,

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or a q&a call or an office hours call or whatever you want to

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call it is an ability for them to come to you to get insight

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and direction and, and some laser coaching. It's not for you

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to be pushing information at them, right. And so once you

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have the system in place, you can start to see how some of the

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firefighting and the randomness and the the sort of wackadoo

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questions will go away. Because there's a there's like a

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prescribed path that you're taking them down, you're just

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like, just follow the path. And and I can help you get from

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point A to point B. So that is one of the biggest questions I

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get is like, well, what's standardized? And what's

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personalized? Or like when do I need to show up? And what does

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that look like? So hopefully this serves you. This is one of

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the things that we work on with our, with our clients, both in

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learn Academy and, and our consulting that we do with

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various businesses because this is

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while it's it's something that once you get set up, it will set

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you free and allow you to focus on other areas of your business

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or enhancing what you already have. But you're not recreating

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the wheel every single time. But it's hard to do because

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sometimes you're just too close to it. Right. It's hard to get

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it out of your head. It's hard to see exactly how it is that

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you help people get from point A to point B because it's so

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natural to Do you it's so ingrained in how you work. Or if

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you're like me, you're so used to pulling out that mixed bag of

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tricks based on your experience, that it's really hard to think

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about, like, what does life look like when I am not just

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constantly solving problems for the people that I am working

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with, right and consulting for is how do you flip the switch

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provide that level of authority and confidence that you have a

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path that's gonna get them from point A to point B. And the bag

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of tricks comes into play when you're helping somebody overcome

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the hurdles that they have? Not in the process or the actual

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skill building itself. All right, there you go. I hope that

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this serves you. Again, if you are interested in talking with

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me about any of these things, or like this is intriguing to you

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in the shownotes is my contact information. So feel free to

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reach out I would love to connect with you personally. And

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in the meantime, if you love this episode, give it a thumbs

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up, give it a rating. And so we can get this podcast out to more

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people. All right. Enjoy your day.