In this episode, Tara will give you tips and tricks for marketing your online business. First, you need a plan because ‘Hope marketing’ is not a strategy!


Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

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a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

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on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

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them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

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you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

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your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

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Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

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looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

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use it to scale, you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everybody, welcome to today's episode. Today's episode, we're

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going to talk about your marketing. Alright, so this is

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one of the biggest places where my aspiring course creators

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start to struggle. So I want to talk a little bit about this

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today, in terms of how do you get started, and what does this

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look like. So there are a lot of tactics out there that are are

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trying to help you get in front of the right audience. However,

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one of the ways that I recommend that you start is by developing

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a marketing plan. So you're actually have a plan that you're

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trying to execute on versus sort of the random pray and spray

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approach that a lot of aspiring course creators, or even new

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course, graders get into this sort of swirl around marketing,

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where they feel like they have to be, you know, everywhere at

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all times doing all of these things. And, and you do, you

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need to be visible, and you need to have a strong online

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presence. However, the way that you go about that is less sort

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of random than it seems as you move forward. So anyone who is

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at, you know, six figures or above will tell you that

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marketing is not just a random event. It's not just a stream of

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consciousness, like, I'm just gonna go post all these things

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every single day, there's actually a strategy behind it.

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And so the very first thing that we recommend people do is to

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create a marketing strategy. So a marketing strategy is going to

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have various components to it, that helps you really not only

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like hone in on your message, but focus on how to get it out

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there. So if you think of like a megaphone, right, so the very

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first thing that you need to do is actually just define your

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message and, and learn what your voice is right? Like, learn how

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you stand out in the market, how you talk about your thing that's

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different than other people. And so you're starting to attract

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people to you. There are two different techniques, there's

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inbound marketing and outbound marketing. I'm not going to get

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into the mechanics of all of these, but but you really want

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to be thinking about your strategy for both of those and

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what that looks like. When we build sales funnels. And we

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build application funnels in different places for people to

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come. That's inbound marketing, right? So they are seeking you,

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versus you going out and, and finding people in the wild,

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right? And so you know, you need both of those things. But the

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marketing strategy is going to be like, where is your online

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presence? Where are you showing up? What's your brand? What's

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your website? You know, putting things out on social media in

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terms of your cover page, your posts that you're putting out

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there? What's your content marketing strategy? Right? So

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how are you putting content out there? That starts to attract

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the right people? It's on brand, it's on messaging, and it it is,

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you know, what you're doing is you're trying to find the people

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who have the problem that you can solve by doing content

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marketing. You there's email marketing, right. So that's

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actually communicating with the people who have already opted

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into your list. They're speaking, there's general PR,

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right, going out and getting media attention. There's

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partnerships both with JV partnerships, strategic

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partnerships, there's lots of ways to connect with people. If

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you go out and look at any large influencer, they are building

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their list primarily through JV partnerships, and strategic

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partnerships with other people. They're going out to find people

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who have a list already built of people who are similar to what

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they are looking for. And they're partnering In that

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regard, that takes you from sort of one on one approach to

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getting a large number of people in at the same time. So just pay

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attention to that, because that's a, you know, a lot of

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times when people are new, they think they just have to go out

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and tick tock and, and, you know, blast things out. But what

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they see is, well, only a small handful of people are looking at

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my things, right? Like, you go to Facebook, and you post on

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your page, only a small amount of people are actually seeing

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that, in order to get to a bigger market. Some of it is

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sometimes paid ads, although if you've been in my world, for any

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amount of time, I'm going to tell you that that's not the

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first place to go. But in JV partnerships, you actually are

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curating the groups that you can get in front of, and because

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they're already part of somebody else's group, if that person is

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endorsing you, they're much more likely to purchase because they

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trust the person that is in that partnership. So again, not going

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to get into the details of that, but that's a really important

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piece, and then affiliates and referrals, who is if you know,

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who is out there selling for you? And then what are your

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customers doing, or customers referring other people to you?

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Great way to build your business? So what you do is you

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look at all of those different avenues. And then you develop a

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plan, like, what's my focus this quarter? What's my focus this

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month, right? Like all of those different things? What are your

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goals? What are the metrics? What are the numbers telling

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you, all of the different parts and pieces make up your

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marketing plan. But again, if you do not have a marketing

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plan, yet stop, think about strategically how you're going

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to go out and attract the people that you want to attract and

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bring them into your world is much more effective than just

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being out on social media. And, you know, putting your things

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out there or taking one of these little approaches, and

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implementing them without looking at the whole and how it

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helps to build the business. marketing in particular is all

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about the numbers. It's all looking at, what are the numbers

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telling you? What is the data telling you? What are the

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results that are happening. And as you turn the dial and move

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different things, you can see what's working and what's not

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working as you build that business, but it's part of your

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core business. I do have some customers who say, Well, I don't

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have a marketing budget. I don't, I'm not going to spend

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any time marketing or I don't, I have another job. And so I can't

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tell people about what I'm doing. I don't want to have a

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website, I don't want to have any social media presence. It's

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gonna be really hard for you to attract people when they can't

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find you. A lot of times you can build a successful business with

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speaking with different partnerships with affiliate

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marketing and different things like that. But what what happens

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is people go out to social media to try and find out who you are,

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whether you're legit, whether you have good reviews, all those

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kinds of things. And so it's easier for you to sell when you

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have some type of online presence. You can do that as a

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business or you can do that as an individual. If you are

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uncomfortable, you know, because you have another job because

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you've got you know, extenuating circumstances, then build your

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business brand. And you don't need to be as visible, right,

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your business brand is what's visible, but you have to have

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some sort of online presence when you're looking at what your

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marketing plan should be. But identify that first know what

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those different factors are, and then you can start thinking

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about how that works as you grow your business. Alright, there