In this episode, Tara reviews how to determine which delivery method works best to package your expertise or signature framework.


Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're

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a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based

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on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide

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them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give

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you practical real life tips that you can use today to build

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your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.

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Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people

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without adding more time or team to your business? If you're

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looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and

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use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,

Tara Bryan:

everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course billing

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secrets podcast, I am coming in from location again from the FHL

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2023 conference. And so, so happy to be coming in today to

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provide you some insights. So once you've determined your

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signature framework, one of the cool things is that once you

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have it, you can deliver that framework in lots of different

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ways to your customers, right. So there's, you can deliver it

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in a book, you can deliver it in a live event, you can deliver it

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in a completely one member set evergreen digital experience,

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you can do it in a program, you can do it in coaching, you can

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do it in one on one, you can do it however you want to do it,

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right. And one of the most impactful ways to not only

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deliver your signature framework, but also be able to

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leverage your time and experience so that you can

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deliver an amazing experience and not like kill yourself in

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the process is to look at that digital delivery. So I want to

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talk about that today. Because there's two main ways that I

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would recommend starting to scale what you're doing. So so

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often, when people come to us, we're like, we want to create a

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coaching program, we want to create a digital program. And

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what they do is either go one, one of two ways. One is they

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want it to be completely automated, where they don't have

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any input or relationship with their customers, right? It's

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just on autopilot. And it's already done and dusted. And,

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and final. And then the other end of the spectrum, we have

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people who come in who want to be teaching live over and over

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and over and over and over and over again, right. And so every

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time they have a new cohort, they're teaching it live,

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they're kind of reinventing the wheel, they're spending a ton of

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time recreating things over and over. So we sort of take these

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two extremes, and, and put together a hybrid approach,

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which leverages your time and an experience in the things that,

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that make an impact. So people can actually consume what you're

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what you're providing on demand, and provide that hands on live

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experience, to help them navigate through the challenges

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that they're gonna have along the way. And so it's different

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than just like showing up in teaching and, and delivering

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your program. What it looks like is you're putting the teaching

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elements or some of the sort of background elements into, you

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know, video or interactive video, however you want to, you

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know, create it, and then leveraging your time to deliver

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on the key areas that somebody needs to keep moving forward. So

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I'm going to just highlight two different approaches to that.

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One approach actually was fascinating. So Garrett, white,

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if you're familiar with Garrett white, introduced this concept

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today, or this week at FHL, so we want to go through the model

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because it's not a new model, but it's the way that he

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explained it, I thought was really great for people who are

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sort of new in this room. So it's called a facilitated

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program. And what that means is that you're going to start with

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a video from the person who owns the unique methodology right? On

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the step that that they're on. So the video is going to help

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them with the context, the background of all the teaching

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elements, right. And that's going to be done in video. So

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that can be done on demand. That can be done in an in an

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immersive experience. However you want to kind of organize

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that. And so that's the very first step. Then the second step

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is you're giving your customer a call to action, which is go do

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this act. 70 go apply this in your work, do this homework what

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however you want to structure it, right? So there's a teaching

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element. And then there's a practical application element,

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right to go off and do this thing. Once they've gotten dot

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done that and they come back. And then they're part of a small

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group discussion. So, you know, the group is kind of in a

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breakout group, right, so a smaller group five or six people

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or something like that. And they're discussing how they

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applied the concept that was being taught the stuff that was

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being taught at that particular time. So they're discussing that

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they're sharing their experiences, or, you know, maybe

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getting some, you know, help or some coaching or whatever else

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in that part of the process. And then they come back to the big

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group, in whatever way shape or form be at a community or live

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experience, or however you kind of bring them back to review the

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key points, get those pieces, and then you move to the next

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step. And you go through the whole process again, right. So

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that's a facilitated model. And so you can, you can do it that

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way, which, which leverages the time and experience of the

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expert, because at the end of the day, until you can leverage

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your time in a way that allows you to put more and more people

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into it without lessening the experience, you're not able to

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truly scale. So if your goal is scaling, this is a great model

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that keeps you engaged, because a lot of times people like to be

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involved in the process, not just like letting it like

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setting it and forgetting it. So if you want to be involved in

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the process, this is a great way to leverage your time. Like I

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said, I have clients who come in, and they're like, We want to

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teach it every single time. And we want to, you know, be

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involved in the coaching, and we want to be involved in the

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questions and answers and we want to be involved in all these

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things. Well, what happens is the burden for that customer to

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show up so much on a specific time, becomes very difficult.

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And so it affects the participation, it affects

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somebody's ability to actually participate and show up at each

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one because they have other things going on. And so this

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leverages the experts time, and it also leverages your customers

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time, some people like to consume learning in the morning,

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when they're working out some like it. And when they're at

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their desk, some like it at in the evening as they're walking

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or moving or, you know, just at the end of the day, when you

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have when you require everyone to be there all the time. It's,

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it's not serving anyone, because it's taking up your time, and it

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may not be the best time for that person to sit down and

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really be able to focus. And so it's actually beneficial for

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everyone. Okay, so that's a facilitated model. Now, you can

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do that same type of model, and have it be almost completely

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automated. So the only time that you would have the would show up

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would be kind of in that small group, let's talk about your

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homework, let's talk about what questions you have, let's do

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some laser coaching, let's do some hot seats. And you can do

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that in a one on, I'm sorry, you can do that in a once a week

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call that you are offering to people, right. And so you don't

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have to show up every day, you don't have to show up for you

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know, eight hours or whatever it is, could be once a week. And

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it's it's you're just available for people when they want to

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start when they want to discuss, or you you've actually created

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the program that way, right where the teaching is outside.

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And then they come in it's concentrated time, where they're

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able to discuss any challenge that they have, it is a great

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model, that that takes the burden off of you to come up

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with a teaching every time and like I said the customer was

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able to learn on their own time and apply it on their own time.

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And then once they've actually, you know, like applied that

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piece, then they can move on to the next step.

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And so what it does is it allows you to help when they need it.

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Not just like, I don't know if you've ever done this, but you

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have a coaching call, and somebody scheduled a coaching

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call with you. And then you sit there and you're like, Okay, so

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what can I help you with? And they're like, why don't really

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have any questions. And they're like, Well, why did you schedule

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the call, right? Well, because that was part of how you

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explained how the process was gonna work, right? So they don't

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want to miss it. But you have to kind of drive the bus when it

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comes to that piece of it. So hopefully this serves you like

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it's two different methods. Both allow you to be engaged at the

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right time, that really leverages your expertise

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leverages your ability to help somebody and keeps them moving

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down the path without just showing up and having to

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recreate the wheel every single time. My clients who kind of

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start in that model just like me me teaching every single cohort

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get to a certain points usually about like, cohort three. And

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they're like we're exhausted, exhausted from the launching,

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exhausting, the marketing, exhausting, exhausted from the

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teaching, and going through the process. And there's so many

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ways to really leverage your time by by adding new digital

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experiences. Even if you're not ready to go 100% Digital, right,

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you can start looking at that process. So that is my

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corresponding tip for you today. So I hope that serves you have a

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great day in the shownotes is my link to jump on a call with me

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if you want to talk through this? If you have some

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questions, if you need a little bit of help kind of structuring,

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what does this look like? How do I how do I take what I have?

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And, and really start to repackage it in a way that

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leverages your time gives you the ability to scale and really

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folk focus on helping people get results. Give me a shout to get

Tara Bryan:

you covered. All right. Buh bye.