Episode 353: Mindfulness and Authenticity For Business Growth with Katharine Chestnut

Incorporating mindfulness into your business is more than a trend—it’s a transformational approach to scaling authentically and avoiding the all-too-common burnout that comes with rapid growth. In today’s entrepreneurial world, scaling can feel like a constant race, but Katharine Chestnut’s journey proves that it’s possible to grow without sacrificing authenticity or well-being.


During her conversation on the Course Building Secrets® Podcast, Katharine shared valuable insights on how mindfulness has been the key to building her sustainable and thriving business. Here are some practical strategies you can implement today to bring mindfulness into your own entrepreneurial journey.

1. Use Mindfulness as a Business Compass

Katharine’s story is a testament to the power of tuning inward when making big decisions. When she transitioned from her corporate marketing career to entrepreneurship, she didn’t just jump into the next thing. Instead, she used mindfulness as a compass to guide her next steps.

By practicing meditation and mindful journaling, Katharine was able to stay grounded and make decisions that aligned with her core values. The result? She built a business that not only reflects her passion for mindfulness but also stays true to who she is.

Action Tip: Before making any significant business move—whether it’s launching a new product or scaling your team—take time for mindful reflection. Dedicate a few minutes to journaling or meditating on your options. Ask yourself, “Does this decision align with my long-term vision?” The answers may surprise you and provide clarity that logic alone can’t offer.

Start each workday with a 5-minute mindful reflection to set the tone for intentional decision-making throughout the day.

2. Scale Without Sacrificing Authenticity

Scaling can often feel like adding more: more content, more offers, more clients. But Katharine approaches growth differently. For her, it’s not about doing more—it’s about doing what aligns with her mission and ensuring every decision feels authentic to her vision. By staying mindful, she ensures her growth doesn’t come at the cost of losing touch with her core values, and she emphasized the importance of growing your business at a pace that works for you—not what the industry or competitors dictate. Scaling mindfully means creating a business model that supports both your personal well-being and the client experience.

Instead of trying to chase rapid growth or take on more than you can handle, build processes and systems that reflect your values. Focus on quality and alignment over quantity. By scaling in a way that feels true to your mission, you’ll create long-term success without burnout.

Action Tip: Reevaluate your current offerings or services. Are they aligned with your passion and long-term vision? If not, consider simplifying or repackaging them in a way that feels more authentic.

3. Find Your Work-Life Mesh with Mindful Planning

Katharine’s unique approach to work-life balance is what she calls the “work-life mesh.” Instead of trying to balance everything equally, she integrates mindfulness practices into both her personal and professional life. By regularly stepping back to reflect and plan, she maintains harmony between the two, ensuring that neither is sacrificed in the process.

She shared that she frequently takes personal retreats to reflect on the big picture and plan for the future—using mindfulness not only to guide her day-to-day decisions but also to chart her business’s long-term growth.

Action Tip: Consider planning your own “mindful retreats.” These don’t have to be elaborate—simply setting aside uninterrupted time to reflect on your business can help you gain clarity on your next steps. Mindful planning allows you to align your business strategies with your personal well-being.

Set a quarterly “retreat” day where you take a break from the hustle and reflect on the bigger picture. Use this time to map out the next quarter and ensure it aligns with your overall business goals.

4. Serve Your Audience by Listening Mindfully

Mindfulness isn’t just about reflecting inward—it’s also about being fully present with others. Katharine shared how much of her business success comes from deeply listening to her audience and creating content that directly responds to their needs. By practicing mindfulness when engaging with her clients, she’s able to provide value that resonates on a deeper level.

This approach to mindfulness in business is about understanding what your audience truly needs and creating offerings that solve their most pressing problems. For Katharine, this meant listening to feedback and creating resources, like her meditation challenges and coaching programs, that aligned with the issues her clients faced.

Practice mindful listening with your audience. Instead of assuming what they need, actively listen to their concerns and challenges. Use this insight to create services, products, or content that truly meet their needs, building deeper trust and stronger relationships.

Action Tip: Host a “listening session” with your customers, where you invite feedback and ideas on how you can better serve them. Mindful listening will give you actionable insights into your next product or service offering.

5. Focus on What Feels Right in the Moment

One of Katharine’s most powerful takeaways is her mantra: “This moment is right and perfect.” It’s a reminder to stop rushing, stop comparing, and trust the process. By embracing the present moment, you can release the pressure to be further along and trust that where you are is exactly where you need to be.

For Katharine, mindfulness means giving yourself permission to grow at your own pace. It’s a practice of trusting that every stage of your business journey is valid and that you don’t have to rush to reach your goals.

When building a business, it’s easy to get caught up in comparison and the feeling that you should be further along. Katharine’s reminder to embrace where you are—right now—can help you stay present, focused, and aligned with your true purpose.

Action Tip: Whenever you feel overwhelmed or impatient with your progress, take a moment to pause and remind yourself that “this moment is right and perfect.” Use this phrase as an anchor to stay grounded in your journey.

Katharine Chestnut’s entrepreneurial journey is a powerful reminder that mindfulness in business isn’t just about personal well-being—it’s about building a business that feels aligned, sustainable, and authentic. By incorporating mindful decision-making, intentional scaling, and a deep commitment to serving your audience, you can grow your business in a way that doesn’t compromise your values or well-being.

Mindfulness in business isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity for long-term success. Apply these tips today to start growing your business mindfully, with authenticity at the core.

Our Host

Tara Bryan is on Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin

Website is: www.Taralbryan.com

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business. 

Key Topics:

Mindfulness In Business| Scaling Authentically | Mindful Planning


  • Using mindfulness to guide business decisions
  • Scaling authentically and sustainably
  • Finding balance with mindful planning
  • Listening to your audience through mindfulness
  • Staying present and trusting your business journey
Tara L Bryan

Our mission is to inspire, educate and give business owners the strategies and skills to build an infinitely scalable online business that will allow them to make a bigger impact and income without sacrificing the customer’s experience or adding more time to their already full lives. 


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