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Do You Suffer From Execution Paralysis?

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Do You Suffer From Execution Paralysis?

execution paralysis

You have set your strategic plan for the year – it is beautifully written and ready to go. Now all you need to do is execute. But wait– for some reason you are finding yourself procrastinating, or getting distracted or just plain overwhelmed. You are suffering from Execution Paralysis. 

I am reading a great book, the CEO Mindset, that talks about Execution Paralysis. It is the kind of issue that stops us in our tracks and makes it difficult to proactively get things done before a looming deadline (end of the year). Execution Paralysis is when you have a strategy but get stuck when it comes to taking action and moving to implementation. There are many reasons for this but to get past it you need to break things down into smaller executable steps and move them forward.

Sometimes, the best medicine for Execution Paralysis is to talk to a team that can get you moving. I think that this is one of the reasons our clients like working with us so much. Our project managers can take a team from the idea/stategy stage into action and manage it every step of the way so the project doesn’t get “stuck”.

One way we do this is through our Course Acceleration™ process. In this process, we work with you to map out your overall project strategy. In this session, we look at three main components of your project: outcomes, activities, feedback. This is where it all begins.

  1. What is your outcome or overall goal?
  2. What activities feed into that goal or outcome?
  3. What feedback does a learner need to have to practice that activity?


Can you imagine having your strategic roadmap completed prior to the end of the year? What would it feel like to take time off over the holidays and have your to-do list/performance goals checked off and implemented in the best way possible? Imagine sitting in your performance review with glowing testimonials of your learner’s results instead of just launching at the last minute. Phew… doesn’t that sound peaceful.


Change your year and beat Execution Paralysis by speaking to one of our course coaches today. Schedule a free consultation to talk about how and when to implement your learning strategic plan. It would set you up for a very successful year!

Tara L Bryan

Our mission is to inspire, educate and give business owners the strategies and skills to build an infinitely scalable online business that will allow them to make a bigger impact and income without sacrificing the customer’s experience or adding more time to their already full lives. 


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